Friday, July 29, 2011

Various States of Chaos

This title basically sums up life over the last month or so, although I guess it all began to some degree when we decided to move, back in February. I remember a calm moment in early February - the Packers had just won the Superbowl (amazing how I can find ways to sneak that into just about any conversation), and we were getting ready to go to the Bon Jovi concert. I was thinking that life was moving along smoothly, and surely it couldn't last. (cue ominous music...) We had a lot going on, but life was generally calm and predictable. It was definitely exciting, based on the above two events.

The minute we decided upon a move, was the minute the chaos, to some degree, began. Between decluttering and cleaning the entire house, putting it up for sale, keeping it clean for showings and an open house, all while thinking in the back of my mind that I really should be packing - well, I always felt just a wee bit frantic. Actually, there were times where it was full blown, but I won't tell you about all my bad moments! Thankfully my children have relatively short memories about certain things, in addition to be being very forgiving, so we'll just move on.

There was a lull in the chaos once the house was sold and before the packing had to begin in earnest. But I still always felt that I should really be doing something more. Thankfully my mother-in-law came out to help us move at the end of June, and brought with her so much peace of mind and a really helpful level of calm. But before we could move anything into our new place, there were some renos to be done - the (really ugly, black-grouted, terra-cotta) tile on the main floor was ripped out (that is no small endeavor), and then some kitchen cabinets and countertops were installed. We got through the move itself, my mother-in-law went home, the kids finished school, our relatives came to visit from Calgary on their cross-Canada vacation, and then it felt like we should be settled.

But July has been busier than I was thinking it would be. There are swimming lessons twice a week, vbs for the kids, Connor at summer camp, my shifts at work, and a never-ending stream of friends coming over for a swim! Now I really am not complaining about this, because I am thrilled with how much use the kids are getting out of our pool. The summer has been non-stop hot, so I am forced to sit out on the deck and supervise the kids in the pool. It really isn't such a bad gig. The only problem is that stuff isn't getting done in the house, which leads to my various states of chaos. Sure, I can start the laundry and even put it in the dryer, but folding it? That can take days to happen, and by then it's a wrinkled heap and I might as well start over.

So, there are all these little pockets of "chaos" throughout my house (closets and drawers and desks and a garage to organize, heaps of things to sell, toss or recycle, paperwork to deal with) and I am making myself not worry about them. I regularly remind myself that I can deal with them in winter (not sure the laundry can wait that long, but you get the idea). I don't want to waste precious moments of summer sorting through miscellaneous boxes whose contents don't yet have a home. Summer is much too short. I will attempt to embrace the chaos and if I can't embrace it, then I will ignore it. Ignoring it won't make it go away, I know, but I'm hoping it will seem less chaotic when I finally decide to tackle it.