Thursday, February 25, 2010


I just finished one of my favorite snacks, and it's a super healthy one! It's a banana chocolate smoothie, and it's delish! I got the recipe from Kristen's Raw Blog and then just tweaked it a bit. It's made with about a cup of water (I substitute some almond milk), a frozen banana or two (you can add ice cubes if your banana isn't frozen), some protein powder, hemp powder, a little coconut, some raw cacao nibs (makes it crunchy and soo yummy), some raw chocolate powder, and a big scoop of almond butter. This is my favorite thing to have after a workout. (Today I went for a run in the cold, wind and snow!). I sometimes add some Starbucks Via (instant coffee) and that makes it even more of a treat. I also had a cookie or two with it, but don't worry, because these were the healthiest and yummiest cookies EVER!! They're made with things like olive oil and maple syrup and oatmeal and spelt flour - no butter or eggs. I was shocked at how delish they are, and the kids all love them too! The chocolate chips decrease the health factor somewhat, but they are mandatory to the yumminess of this cookie!

We've been watching tons of Olympics around here, and I'm going to miss them when it's all over. I am a true patriotic Canadian and tend to get tears in my eyes whenever a Canadian athlete gets a medal. Talk about teary-eyed last night with TWO medals, a gold and silver!! I love the sappy part where they play the I Believe song and replay the athlete finishing their event and all the celebrating and flowers and medals. Yes, I'm a sucker, but I don't care! A friend who lives close by but is originally from Britain told me that people in her country aren't patriotic like we are, and she loves cheering for Canada. It's a great country to live in and would be even better if it just had a few more palm trees and sandy beaches! But I digress... Can't wait to see some more exciting events later today. What's your favorite sport to watch?

I am constantly amazed that athletes all around the world can train themselves to finish their sporting event within hundredths of a second of each other. If you really think about that, it's quite incredible! I am constantly amazed by the speed skaters and skiers. I have realized that I love watching the drama of short track and the pure, raw strength of long track. I also realize that I love watching the ski and snowboard cross. Talk about drama! Curling's pretty low on my list, but I'll still cheer for Canada. I even got right into that hockey game last night! I'm not a huge figure skating fan either, but I know I'll be watching Joannie Rochette, and I'll probably have tears streaming down my face while I watch. Like I said, I'll miss the Olympics when they're done!

I must get on with this day, but wanted to say hello! Hope you're having a fabulous week!

1 comment:

Coco said...

Well, my friend, the Olympics are now over and TV seems just so...boring. I concur with your analysis on the Olympic events. Curling is rather boring. Colton and I watched the Korean Paralympic team practice in Mission yesterday after his power skating and we decided we didn't really get it. Kudos to them for doing it and for participating in this amazing event, we just don't really understand it.

Bobsleigh has become a fast favourite in our family. We got to see rounds 3 and 4 of the men's doubles which was quite thrilling. Our closest team to the podium came in 5th, but that didn't seem to matter. The thrill of being there was enough for us.

So many great moments here in Vancouver 2010. We ended up meeting a guy who'd been on the Hellenistic Bobsleigh Team 1998 and 2002. Through talking to him we learned of how impacting the Olympic experience is to ALL athletes whether you come 1st, 8th, or 31st(which his team did.)

So glad you wanted to say "hello." Ciao Bella!