Friday, September 10, 2010

Raccoon Update

Thanks to a good set of pruners and the neighbor's saw, our tree, now looking a little naked, should no longer be an accomplice to raccoons getting onto our roof. Keeping our fingers crossed, and hoping the raccoons haven't done any damage already.

So I was breathing a sigh of relief, as this was yet another potential disaster averted, when my next-door-neighbor (who lives alone and is currently a little out of commission with a fractured ankle), phoned me. I have run a few errands for her already, getting her mail, picking up a prescription for her, etc. I was happy to help when she said she needed something from the grocery store, even though I wasn't planning to go there. Then she mentioned she needed dog food. Odd, I thought, as she doesn't have a dog. I thought maybe she meant more cat food for her many cats, so I was trying to come up with a time I could help her out. Then she dropped the bomb that she needed this giant bag of dog food so she could feed....wait for it....the RACCOONS!!!! She said she had enough for tonight but not enough for tomorrow. I just about fainted. I knew she feeds them already with her kitchen scraps, which we most definitely do not like, but she actually spends money on domesticated-pet food to give them??!? Truly unbelievable. I have since phoned her back and let her know I can't make it to the grocery store. I refuse to help with that. If she needed, you know, food or medicine, or toilet paper, I'd be glad to help. But since we just likely averted raccoons (see previous post) from getting into our attic (which would likely cost somewhere in the range of $1000, no joke, to remedy), I refuse to encourage those animals. I know they'll come around regardless, but I am not going to be a part of that. I'm just sayin'.

So, do I have a right to not help her based on what she asked me to do? It's probably not illegal, but it is stupid, in my (and many other peoples') opinions. Would I have said no if she wanted me to pick up cigarettes for her, or something else along those lines? It really does not sit right with me. Anyway, that was my day!


Lisa said...

So I think you must have left out the part where we find out your neighbour is CRAZY! I'm pretty sure I've seen something very similar to this in a movie....but it was a cartoon!
Poor lady needs a new hobby.
I agree with you helping her for other things, but cigarettes and raccoon food seem to cross the line a tad!
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I could not believe it when I read that your neighbor BUYS food for wild animals!!! I think it might be illegal, but it is most definitely ignorant!! Not only does it invite the animals to visit humans regularly, it also prevents them from finding their own food and causing them to depend on her and making them less able to fend for themselves. Not to mention the frustration for your entire neighborhood, you in particular. I hope you can explain to her that she needs to stop for the animal's sake and the nieghborhood's. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

I could not believe it when I read that your neighbor BUYS food for wild animals!!! I think it might be illegal, but it is most definitely ignorant!! Not only does it invite the animals to visit humans regularly, it also prevents them from finding their own food and causing them to depend on her and making them less able to fend for themselves. Not to mention the frustration for your entire neighborhood, you in particular. I hope you can explain to her that she needs to stop for the animal's sake and the nieghborhood's. Yikes!

Coco said...

You were most definitely in the right. Go get her milk for her tea. Sure. Butter for her scones. Sure. Dog food for the pesky raccoons? That's just ludicrous!!!