Thursday, April 14, 2011

Post without a Title

One thing I'm really religious about is making sure my family has their yearly check-ups at the doctor. It was an easy habit to start with the kids, as there were so many required appointments after they were born. Before they were born, too, for that matter. Once we stopped being prompted to come in for regular vaccines and to check growth, I made a point of making appointments for them close to their birthdays. We are fortunate that we don't have to go to the doctor very often between their yearly visits, and also fortunate that we have such a good doctor. I hope that I am instilling in them a sense of responsibility for their own, health. I think it's an important lesson to learn as you get older - you are in charge of your body and you shouldn't wait for or expect someone else to do it for you. (sidenote: I am not including my hubby when I mention my kids - he is responsible for his own appointments and rather than nagging, I try to keep to occasional gentle reminders. He seems to do just fine without my interference, thankfully!)

So at my latest physical I had all the usuals, including bloodwork and my once-a-decade tetanus shot. (who knew?) I barely felt the needle piercing my skin, but my arm hurt like crazy for the rest of the week. Glad that's done with. Just two days later, I received a call from the doctor's office, asking me to come in for some results. They always say they'll call if there's anything unusual, but they never call, because there's never anything unusual! The lady on the phone assured me that it was nothing urgent, and in spite of my badgering her to tell me what it was about, she remained cryptic, as they are supposed to. She said I could wait a few days to come in...but still. I admit I was feeling kind of nervous, wondering what sort of strange conditions they may have unearthed in my blood that were presenting me no symptoms or concerns, that wasn't urgent, but still required follow-up. Me and my over-active imagination.

As I soon discovered, there was indeed nothing to worry about. Two issues had been flagged in my bloodwork, however. One, my good cholesterol was a little on the low side. The solution? Get exercising! I confess that I've been really slacking with my running this winter, so this is excellent incentive to lace up my runners and hit the road.

The second issue is that I have low levels of vitamin B12. I've been reading a lof about B12 lately and wondered if I should be taking a supplement. Turns out, I should be. There are very few good food sources of this vitamin (sorry, but I'm not about to start eating liver, which is incidentally the food with the highest source of B12 and also my most hated food. Ever.) You can also get B12 from other red meats, but I'm trying to cut that out of my diet, not eat more of it. So, a supplement it is. B12 deficiency gets more serious as we get older and can take a long time to become a serious problem, I understand, so it's important to have healthy levels of this vitamin as you get older. One early symptom can be tiredness and lack of energy. Hmmmm. Most people I know struggle with those! I'd assumed a lack of sleep and 3 children will do that to a person. And they will. I can get more sleep, but not much I can do about the kids - I'm keeping all 3! Apparently the vitamins work pretty much immediately, so the doctor said I should notice a boost in energy. I went for a run that evening, my first run in a long while, and I kid you not, I felt like I was flying! Self-fulfilling prophecy maybe? Possibly, but I'll take it!

So, I'm feeling fine today. I wrote this blog sitting on a comfy high-backed chair in the lobby of the Royal York Hotel in downtown Toronto, and on the train on the way back home, after a fun lunch date with my fabulous hubby. We ate at the brand new earls downtown where I bumped into a girl I used to waitress with at earls in Winnipeg - she now manages this location. I seriously bump into people everywhere! With this connection, I managed to score a spot on her "insiders list" for my hubby when he needs a last minute lunch reservation! Hope he appreciates it!

I've got Bon Jovi cranked on my ipod (what else), I'm sipping my tea, and I'm going to sit back and enjoy the train ride home.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Boy, if I received a phone call like that from my doctor I probably would have been freaking out! Thank you for the reminder of B12, I need to get on this since I've been a vegetarian for about 18 years now. My multi vitamin has only tiny amounts, so I need to do something more. Also good reminder about exercise. It's so hard to be regular with it during the winter, but I have started going to the gym more frequently lately. The last time I felt so great during that I just about burst into song and scared the sweaty guy next to me!
PS - I love your new "about me" picture!