Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Here's a copy of our Christmas letter - just a brief summary of a very eventful year in our family.

2011 was an eventful year for our family, although we certainly hadn’t planned for it to be so. Here are a few highlights of our year:

*The Green Bay Packers won the Superbowl!

*Stefan took me to a Bon Jovi concert

*lots of visits from family & friends from out west

*Connor turned 10, started grade 5, started swimming on the swim team & continues taking piano lessons. He amazes us with his skill & passion on the piano & amuses us with his long hair, which we are not allowed to cut.

*Taya turned 7, started grade 2, started swimming on the swim team (with Connor) & also continues taking piano lessons. She amazes us with her social butterfly skills & her love of reading & amuses us with her non-stop drawing & creating.

*Logan turned 6, started grade 1 & started tae kwon do & piano lessons. He amazes us with his knowledge of anything related to NFL football & amuses us with the charts he creates each week of which teams are playing & which teams he thinks are going to win. This boy loves all things football! In all fairness, with our kids, the apple(s) does not fall far from the tree(s).

*Stefan & I took our dream trip to Green Bay,WI to see Lambeau Field & to take in a Packers game.

*I applied to go back to school! Some people think I’m crazy, but I’m quite excited about it. I’ve applied for an after-degree Communications program that starts next September. In the meantime, I’m working at Starbucks & getting in lots of volunteer experience at a community newspaper & doing some proofreading for a magazine.

*We moved! We didn’t see that one coming either. With our “school/pool” fund being empty, we decided to downsize. As a bonus, our new home, which is just around the corner from our old one, has a pool. With such a hot summer, we made very good use of it!

In November, we “adopted” a little girl named Ketrina from Malawi into our family. It’s one small step towards trying to make the world a better place, or to at least make the world a better place for one other person. My challenge to you for 2012 – how are you going to make the world a better place for someone else this year?

2012 promises to be another eventful year for us, full of change & excitement. Our family wishes you peace & blessings this Christmas & a new year full of joy!


so... said...

thanks for sharing this Teresa! I didn't know that Logan started TKD! Where does he go? Does he love it?

teresa said...

C - Logan just did 10 sessions of TKD. We got a wicked deal through wag jag and thought it would be great for him to try it out. He's starting soccer soon, so once that's done, he can choose which one he likes better! We were at Kick for Kids on mainway. At first he was kinda freaked out, because all the ages are together for warm-up, but I think he really did like it. It was so cute watching him yell his "hiya"s!