Monday, September 21, 2009

September Sentiments

I have just spent the last half hour re-reading all my previous blogs and comments. It was so nice to read the comments that were left -all the support sent my way for all my crazy backyard adventures was much appreciated! I now have a big goofy grin on my face, because I feel so loved. I'm sure all but the most faithful readers have given up on me by now, so I do apologize to those of you who actually did notice my absence. You totally make my day whenever I hear from you.

I don't even know where to begin. I suppose a brief update is in order. (You're probably already snorting with laughter that I would suggest that I could give a brief update. I have never been known for my brevity, and actually, I seem to be getting less-brief as I get older. Oh help).

The rest of our summer was fantastic. Although we never did go camping, as we kept telling the kids we would, we did spend a great day at the beach, lots of days at various pools, hours upon hours in our cooled-down hot tub, and lots of sleeping in and relaxing. As much as we all enjoy our time together, and the lack of routine, there seems to be something built into the kids, that after 10 weeks of being together non-stop, something's gonna blow. It actually starts earlier than 10 weeks, but everyone starts to get at each other (everyone except my hubby who is not around the rest of us all day long). The whines get whinier, the noise gets louder, the arguments become more, well, argumentative, til we're all (just about) ready for school to begin. I truly love summer - if I could have one season all year, it would be summer. But kids need routines, too, and summer doesn't have those (at least not at our house).

But when September arrives, I find myself dragging my heels just a bit, trying to slow down its inevitable arrival. All of the sudden it's the first day of school and I'm setting my alarm, and making lunches and hurrying everyone out the door and I wonder if summer was just a dream. I look at Connor, all ready for grade 3 and I really can't believe it. He's in a portable this year, just like I was in grade 3, and his teacher is wonderful and he seems so happy to be back. Then there's Taya, who was pretty ripped off with her staggered start - she was rarin' to go! She has the same teacher this year, which is great, at least until mid-October, when the regular teacher is back from mat-leave. And then there is Logan. Ahhhh. My sweet baby is off to school. My tears were bittersweet, that's for sure. It wasn't that long ago that he was 5 pounds and not much bigger than a bunch of bananas! I was worried for him. He's always had a harder time than the other two when we leave him (Sunday school, etc.). So often there were tears. But wouldn't you know it, he was so grown up going with his teacher, this time leaving me, and this time it was my turn for tears. Truthfully, however, my tears didn't last long. No time for that when I'm off to get my hair done!!! Woohoo!

It certainly seems to help Logan that he and Taya are dropped off in the same area, and their classrooms are very close. He likes knowing that his big brother and sister aren't far off. (Or maybe that's just me). He's so excited after school, telling me all about his new adventures. So even though it's bittersweet that they're all in school (T and L go all day Tuesday, Thursday, and every other Friday), I'm a happy mommy, knowing they're all in the same school and (hopefully) loving every minute of it.

I'm planning to work some of the days the kids are at school, which allows for a few more evenings at home. C and T will be doing gymnastics again, and C is doing piano. I'm hoping to still have some time for volunteering at the school, running, and whatever else I can squeeze into those precious few hours!


Coco said...

You're B-A-a-A-a-c-K!!!! Hooray!!!! My sweet, funny, adorable, witty, most amazing blogger pal of mine, oh how your stories make me smile. :) The end of summer escapades and sentiments are so similar to mine. A little conversation in my house by the end of August would go something like this:
Me: "Sweetie-pie, please stop bugging your sister, she's had enough."
Kids carry on in their bugging, tormenting, teasing, and LOUDNESS.
Me: "Um SWEETIE PIIIIIIE, I asked you nicely to PLEASE stop bugging your sister. Stop. NOW."
No response. No acknowledgement that any words were uttered or received from my mouth.

Get the picture? I totally get the 10 weeks of summer thing. 8 weeks was divine. 9 was good. 9.5 was tolerable. 10 was just a few days tooooo long. :)

Darryl and I did manage to take off to see Diana Krahl at Chateau St. Michelle Winery in Seattle on the last Sat. in Aug. so that day came at a very good time. This mama bear needed a wee break from the cubs and came home tres relaxed and refreshed. :)

I am loving the routine of Fall and so are my darlings. The boys are playing hockey on the weekends, and have music lessons one weekday each. Daisy has even started music and is loving it. Routine is good, but I must admit that I'm already counting the days till our next little getaway. :)

Thanks for're the best. Hi5's all around!!! :)

Lisa said...

Woohoo! You're alive - I was beginning to wonder if Ontario had separated from the rest of Canada! So good to hear of your life adventures again first hand.
And seriously, you guys lasted 9 or 10 weeks?!? You amaze me! We started school early this year which put us at around 8 weeks, and that was plenty of togetherness for this family!
Even though I have to run back to the school to pick somebody up every 2.45 hrs, I still love the routine that it brings!
Missed you!

teresa said...

Yes, I'm back, my two most faithful commenters! You have no idea how much I love to be commented on by you both!! I totally understand how we can start out so patiently, and by the end of our "asking" we are practically screaming and stomping to match the kids! Our kids surely do bring out the best and worst in us. Gotta love 'em!

teresa said...

By the way, Corina meet Lisa, Lisa meet Corina. Lisa is my sister-in-law and Corina is like a sister. Love you both to bits!