Monday, September 28, 2009

My Mom

I'm thinking a lot about my mom today, who would have celebrated her 66th birthday today if she was still here. I'm having a hard time imagining what she would have been like. I still picture her as young and fun and healthy and happy. When I think of my two aunts (my mom's two sisters) and my Oma (my mom's mom), then I feel like I have a sense of what my mom would have been like as she got older. I guess that's the closest I'll ever get. I do know that she would have loved being a grandma and I wish so much that my kids could have known their Grandma Kathy. They understand who she is, but apart from a few old photos and some of my stories, that's all they'll ever know of her.

A few things I'm remembering about my mom today.... the twinkle in her eye, her heartfelt laugh, her fun spirit, cuddling on her lap after kindergarten on the rocking chair, playing games, jumping on the trampoline in the heat of summer with the sprinkler on and lots of soap suds, having the best birthday parties, and always feeling secure and loved. I can't help but wish/long for her wisdom and advice now that I'm a mom. Funny how we can sometimes think of our own mothers as the experts, although there was definitely a time when we thought we knew so much more than them.

Wishing I was celebrating today, not just remembering,


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel, Teresa; I have often wished to know my first mom as a fellow adult, and I, too, have only my aunt to watch, although I think they were quite different. Good for you to remember and honor your mom. She would be proud of her daughter, and her grandchildren!


Anonymous said...

And to continue, now that I posted that and then had more thoughts:
You can celebrate the great qualities you remember and have learned from, and the legacy of faith and character--and even recipes and traditions--that are a part of your heritage and certainly part of what you want to pass on to your kids.

Have a wonderful day remembering and celebrating in the privacy of your own heart!

Sharon, again!

Coco said...

Oh my sweet,

Tears are flowing. My heart is full of empathy for you as you think and remember all you can about your mom. Pondering, musing...about how it could be if she were still here. Thankfully you have wonderful memories of the time you did have with her and can cling to those. Thank you for sharing this. You are a treasure!

Anonymous said...

I wish you were celebrating too. It doesn't matter how long ago you lose a parent, you always miss them and wonder what life would have looked like if they were still here.

My dad would have been 66 this past March, so there's another thing we have in common. I'm so glad you have beautiful memories of your mom and that because of Jesus He has already made and will continue to make all things well. Hugs.... Cor

Lisa said...

Oh Teresa, I don't often hear you talk about your mom, so sometimes I forget. Thanks for sharing a bit about her. Even though it makes you sad it's good to remember those times.