Friday, October 9, 2009

A Quick Hello

I just finished a yummy bowl of apple crisp, made with apples that the kids and I picked at a local apple orchard. Topped with some vanilla ice cream, it was absolutely delish! Not exactly a raw dessert, but, too bad! I was thinking of heading up to bed and reading, but I heard my blog calling my name, rather impatiently, I might add. Just a warning to manage your expectations about how coherent this post will be, as I'm getting pretty sleepy.

Speaking of raw food, some of you have been asking for updates. I'd like to say that I have totally given myself over to the raw food lifestyle and there's no turning back, but that would be lying. It certainly is a challenging transition to make, and I'm realizing that I need to be organized and plan things out in advance a little better if I'm going to prepare a raw meal. I've been doing tons of reading, and have loads of good recipes just waiting to be tried. Some I have tried and they've actually not been very good. It's turning out to be a very slow process for me, but that's ok. I've been having my daily green smoothie, and rarely miss a day. That's been the biggest change I've made. My smoothies are full of so many greens and fruits, that I know I'm doing my body some serious good. I've also been really good about having lots of raw snacks and have dramatically increased my fruit intake. I'm not allowing myself to feel any guilt over any non-raw food I eat, as a habit 35 years in the making is going to take some time to change.

I think I'll save any further thoughts for my next post, if I want it to make any sense. I'm fading fast here.

Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I am looking forward to sharing a (non-raw) turkey dinner with my family, plus my mother-in-law and uncle. SO much to be thankful for!!


Lisa said...

I think I need to know exactly how to make this green smoothie. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and have fun in Boston. What are you doing in Boston?!

Paige said...

You really should post some of your favorite raw recipes...