Wednesday, June 10, 2009

24 Hours...

...or one day. That's it. Perhaps I had it coming. But I got distracted from cleaning up the kitchen this morning, because the weather was just so beautiful outside, and it was supposed to be raining all this week. I was sitting in my chair, feeling only slightly guilty that the house was not cleaning itself while I was basking in the sun, when Taya shouted the dreaded word (that 5 letter 's' word). I bolted up from my blissful state and watched as she grabbed it and carried it around. My daughter is so brave. Then I casually reminded her that the creature would be much happier on the OTHER side of the fence, so she marched to the fence and threw it over. Actually, she missed on her first attempt, as the fence is much higher than her, but she picked it up again and this time it made it over the fence. First it hit a branch, where I thought it might become stuck, but a couple seconds later, it landed in the leaves. I know it will be back, but for now, a few more hours (I hope) of peace.

Taya, Logan and I had a great morning at the Farmer's Market, where I loaded up on local potatoes, yams, peas, tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, and rhubarb. We'll enjoy some of it for lunch, then later I hope to make some sort of yummy pie or crisp. I love this time of year for delicious fresh produce!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Ok, simply put Taya is my hero. Next time I will call her when I have an unfortunate beast in my own house! This last week when Andrew was gone I had another crazy flying jumbo bee in our bathroom (they come through the vent) and poor Eli had to go BAD! Well I was such a chicken and I couldn't catch the dumb thing, so I called over one of the staff girls (I call her the bug whisperer) to solve my problem for me! Pathetic I know.

Oh, and I'm very jealous of your farmer's market experience already!