Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Merry Month of May

I'm taking a little break from my supper making to write my blog (or do I just say, to blog?). Tonight we're having Mulligatawny Soup and bread. I first tried this soup when I worked at earls many years ago, and it was a feature on the menu. The dominant flavors are curry (although it's not really spicy) and cumin, and chicken, rice, carrots, celery, and apple. It's a very unusual combination, but one of my favorite soups ever, and I love soup. In addition, I toss in some zucchini, some squash, and/or pumpkin (pureed of course), garlic and chili powder. It has a chicken broth base, with some cream, although I use milk, which makes for a very tasty, healthy and not-too-fattening soup! I find the pureed squash and pumpkin give the soup a very nice thick consistency and color, but no one knows they're in there, except me, of course!

The last few weeks have been crazily busy, but mostly fun. Oma's funeral was a really nice celebration of her life, and it was so good to see so much family. I spent 4 days in Vancouver and Langley, visiting friends and family and hanging out with my brand new niece and my nephew. I enjoyed a great run along the ocean and in the forest with my cousin, an evening visit with relatives and a good friend I hadn't seen in almost 9 years, a delicious and hilarious dinner at Milestones with another friend who I hadn't seen for almost 2 years, then lunch at an Irish pub with yet another dear friend. It was really good to reconnect with some wonderful people. I spent an enjoyable afternoon at Stanley Park with my sister and her family and was reminded just how beautiful the ocean, mountains and huge BC trees are! I don't miss the rain, but Vancouver has some scenery that just can't be beat!

Once back home, I was in full birthday party mode. Taya's 5th birthday party was Saturday, the day after mine (my birthday, not my party - I didn't have a party). I'm still trying to figure out what 35 is all about (or half 70, as I like to call it). Here's hoping for a great year, now that I'm no longer in my early 30s. I'm hoping for a girlfriend trip to Vegas in the fall to celebrate. Another weekend away without my family? I have to say that I can appreciate the family even more fully after having a little break, I'm sure you moms understand. Taya's birthday was a lot of fun, and she soaked up every minute of it. We had a perfect day for a backyard party - it really was wonderful. (Other than the snake we saw SWIMMING in the pond. Yes, swimming. Horrid. The girls weren't bothered at all, but I was VERY bothered). The party was very girly and fun. I'll post pictures soon. We bought Taya her first dollhouse and she received some Barbies, so she is one happy little girl!

I have lots more to share about some of our backyard adventures, but that will have to wait, as it is now time to go get Connor and Taya from school. Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Coco said...

You're BAAAAAAAAACK! Happy belated birthday, my sweet sweet outrageously funny friend. I hope you had a marvelous day and were spoiled.

The viper dared show it's face at Taya's party?! That slithery scum of the earth? How dare IT! UGH! EWWWWWWW....AHHHHHHHHHH!!!

I've missed your bloggering...welcome back! ;)