Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

My Mother's Day started early, with the arrival of my mother-in-law last night. It's so special for our whole family that she gets to be with us , especially on Mother's Day. She's been my mom for more than 15 years already, and it just occurred to me that this is longer than I had my mom for. She passed away before I turned 14, over 21 years ago. I am grateful and beyond blessed that I married into this family, and I've often joked to Stefan that I married him for his family. Good thing he's a good catch!

This morning I was treated to a stack of cards and crafts from the kids, including a book of original poetry by Connor and a paper teapot from Taya. The poem in Taya's gift had the line - And if you get upset with me, stop and have a pot of tea. I had to laugh at that one. I guess the assumption is that Mommy is going to get upset! My gift from Stefan is a pedicure, which will be a bit treat. We had lunch out, which was also a treat.

I've been thinking a bit today about the 3 people who allow me to have the title Mommy. I could not imagine my life without these three, and I want to hold on to each special moment, because the moments are flying past at great speed. The quote, "The days are long but the years are short" is so incredibly true. The days are long with a baby that doesn't sleep and a mommy that is exhausted, and the days feel long when the kids aren't getting along, but when I look back on those days, they have suddenly turned into years that have evaporated. How does that happen, anyway? It's bittersweet saying goodbye to diapers and soothers and naps and bottles and highchairs and babyfood and cribs and naps. I don't wish those things back, but those phases of life were so short in the big picture. I'm thankful for all there is to look forward to.

I'm thankful for my 8 year old Connor, who is already so grown up. His mind works in such mysterious ways (much like his Daddy!). It's not enough for Connor to know that it's about 7:30 - he needs to know that it's only 7:29, or already 7:31. He is the rule-follower (especially when it applies to his siblings) and the planner and the thinker. He would much rather answer 5 pages of math questions than a few short English comprehension questions. He's trustworthy and truthful and generally a very sweet boy. He's always been a Mommy's boy and happily lets me give him hugs and kisses. His life ambition is to be an author, and he gets plenty of practice. He is known to make workbooks, just for fun for his siblings, or to do computer research about animals, just for fun. He daily makes me proud to be his Mommy!

I'm thankful for my 4 (almost 5) year old Taya, a princess through and through. She has a personality that lights up a room and has no problem making friends with anyone and everyone. She's a drama queen and a girly girl, and I love her to pieces! The kids had a sleepover last night and when they were told it was too late to read, Taya, immediately concerned, asked, "Can we still talk?" She also mentioned a few months ago that she didn't ever want to die. Not because she's afraid to die, but because then she won't be able to talk! She will talk to anyone about anything, and often does, loudly. (Must get all this from her Daddy...). She already loves to have her hair, make-up and nails done, so things will be interesting as she gets older! She has a sparkly, bubbly personality that adds so much to our family.

I'm thankful for my 3 year old Logan, our surprise boy, with whom there is never a dull moment! He keeps us guessing and keeps us laughing. Although he really doesn't like attention from people he doesn't know, he knows how to be the life of the party. He is incredibly kissable and smoochable and I'm not ready for him to be growing up so fast. He tries to keep up with his big brother and sister, but can be content to just hang back with Mommy. He does everything with great passion, whether it's sleeping, playing cars or enjoying his food. He has an amazing memory, and lately references many memories about Calgary. He's smart just like his siblings. Our family feels so complete with him in it!


Lisa said...

Happy belated Mother's day to you (and to mom!)!
I hope that some of those Calgary references include us! We miss you guys! I don't think it has sunk in yet for my boys that your family won't be in Calgary when we get back there. Sawyer points at the pictures on the fridge often - "Conna" "Teeya" and "Yorgin"!

Warren and Denise said...

Great post, Teresa. It gives me a view into your family and your 3 special kids. It also makes me glad to know that you have such a great relationship with Stefan's mom... I can't believe it's been 21 years since your mom passed away... I always remember her on Sept 28 (I think that was her birthday, wasn't it?) Sounds like you guys are nice and settled in ON. Keep up the great work! D.